Write for Sunday Sales Delight

Your Bada**ery Here

Wanna share your expertise with the Sunday Sales Delight crew? We’re looking for LEGIT experts who can write 500 to 800-word articles on a single topic. None of that AI-written or sEo-OpTiMiZeD garbage.

By becoming a Sunday Sales Delight guest author, you’ll be exposed to our growing audience of entrepreneurs, sales leaders and sales pros. You’ll also get a byline and backlink.

Sunday Sales Delight is gonna be a BIG deal. Get on the rocket ship today before we’re too famous and we decide to start charging for these spots. To register your interest, read this page and then fill out the form linked below.

How to Become a Guest Author

Editorial Policy

Topics we avoid: Anything political or polarizing regarding personal beliefs, religion, parenting and relationships. When it comes to sales and business, we will absolutely take a stance. Outside of business talk, we prefer to stay neutral, feel-good and motivational.

Submission Guidelines

Guest posts are 500-800 words long. They can be shorter than 500 but no longer than 800.

You can link out to one additional resource, e.g. a lead magnet or course, in your conclusion as next steps.

You get a short author bio – 50 words-ish – at the end of the article.

Your first draft must be emailed to us at least one week before the scheduled publishing date.

Writing Guidelines

Your guest post is a micro-sales page for your business. Follow proven frameworks when structuring your piece.

  • AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

  • PAS – Problem, Agitation, Solution

  • DIC – Disrupt, Intrigue, Click

Get to the point. A simple way to do this is to write how you normally write, then delete the first and last paragraph. Most people write introductions the way one clears one’s throat before speaking and their conclusions are summaries and therefore redundant.

What is the natural next-step after reading your article? That’s your CTA and the thing you link to. If the segue isn’t natural, it’s a sign you didn’t pick a small- or specific-enough topic.

If the contents of your article can be Googled, it’s not a good guest post e.g. 5-steps to X

Focus on one small, specific, concrete idea.

  • ✅ How to carve out the time to write your book as a wife, mother and business owner

  • ❌ How to write a business book

  • ✅ How to use and trust your intuition when making your next hire (and the difference between intuition and ego)

  • ❌ 5-steps to hiring your next employee using intuition

Your article must be self-contained - we shouldn’t have to read another article to get more details about your topic. If we have to, it’s a sign that you didn’t pick a small- or specific-enough topic or you didn’t include enough detail.

If you can’t write your article in 500-800 words, it’s a sign you didn’t pick a small- or specific-enough topic.

Write conversationally, the way you’d text your best friend about something. If this is difficult for you–it is for many–record yourself talking, transcribe using text-to-speech software like Descript, and edit into an article (you can use ChatGPT to edit here)

Refrain from using jargon and cliches. You’re wasting space and your readers’ time. You know jargon and cliches when you see them. We’ll keep adding examples as we encounter them:

  • Elevate your brand

  • Dive deeper into the world of X

  • Talk about a style statement!

  • Using too many exclamation marks! (One per article is enough. Two is pushing it.)

Example Articles

Apply to be a Guest Author

Tap the button below and fill out the form on the next page.