👸🏻 3 CRM Hacks to Boost Sales Team Closing Rate and Productivity

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

💡 Highlights

  • New Lead Follow-Up Trigger [00:25]

  • Conditional Follow-up Sequence [03:58]

  • Follow-up Chain of Events [05:30]

  • Lead Scoring [08:20]

  • Saving 60 Minutes on Sales Activities [10:45]

  • Paying Attention To The Data [11:40]

CRM automations can save your sales team valuable time and help them close more deals. By implementing the 3 automations I’m about to share with you, you'll streamline your sales process, reduce admin tasks, and empower your team to focus on what matters most: converting leads into happy clients.

1. Automate New Lead Follow-Up

When a new lead comes in through your website, ad campaigns, or other channels, it's crucial to act fast. Studies show that the first 10 minutes after a lead expresses interest are the "golden window" for conversion. After that, the likelihood of closing the deal starts to decline rapidly.

To capitalize on this opportunity, set up your CRM to automatically create a new deal, assign it to the appropriate salesperson, and send an internal notification prompting immediate follow-up. This automation can save your team an estimated 30 minutes per lead, which adds up to 250 hours per month for businesses generating 500 leads monthly.

2. Create Conditional Follow-Up Sequences

Not all leads are the same, and their reasons for engaging with your brand may vary. By creating conditional follow-up sequences in your CRM, you can tailor your messaging to each lead's specific pain points and desires.

For example, if you're a health coach targeting women over 40, some leads may be primarily interested in boosting their metabolism, while others are more focused on increasing energy levels. By tracking lead behavior, such as email clicks and video views, you can automatically send them down a customized follow-up path that speaks directly to their concerns.

Setting up conditional follow-up sequences may take around three hours, but it can cut your team's follow-up time in half and significantly speed up the sales cycle.

3. Implement Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a powerful feature available in most CRMs that allows you to prioritize leads based on their engagement and likelihood to convert. By assigning points to specific behaviors, such as opening emails, booking calls, or attending webinars, you can quickly identify your hottest prospects.

Implementing lead scoring can reduce the mental load on your sales team, helping them focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities. This prioritization can save your team up to 60 minutes per day, or 1,200 minutes per month, on sales activities.

To ensure the effectiveness of these CRM hacks, set aside a half-day each month to review your data, tweak your automations, and optimize your processes. By continuously refining your approach, you'll maximize the time-saving benefits and boost your team's closing rate.

Investing less than one working day to set up these three CRM hacks can yield significant returns in terms of productivity and revenue growth. Empower your sales team with the tools they need to succeed, and watch your business thrive.


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