👸🏻 3 Email Campaigns for Call Funnels That Boost Sales by +30%

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

💡 Highlights

  • The quarterly sales activation campaign [00:19]

  • The pre-call pre-sell warmup campaign [04:30]

  • Bonus tip: read this book [06:39]

  • The conditional follow-up campaign [08:05]

I've seen firsthand how powerful email campaigns can be in driving sales growth. When integrated with a well-designed call funnel, the right email sequences can boost your closing rate by up to 30%. Here are three essential email campaigns every business using sales calls should implement.

1. Sales Activation Campaign

A sales activation campaign is a 7-11 email sequence designed to convert your hottest leads into booked sales calls. This campaign works best when paired with lead scoring, which helps identify the most engaged prospects in your CRM.

To maximize the impact of your sales activation campaign, send emails daily, with the last couple spaced out by two days. Invest in professional copywriting and run these campaigns quarterly to avoid fatiguing your audience.

Timing is key. Launch your sales activation campaign when you're actively building authority on social media, such as during a live event or vacation. Link to your best-performing content in one of the emails, driving traffic to your social profiles where prospects can see you in action, surrounded by happy clients or enjoying the fruits of your success.

2. Pre-Selling Campaign

Once a prospect books a sales call, it's crucial to warm them up before the conversation. A pre-selling campaign typically includes 3-5 emails, timed based on the scheduled call date.

The goal of this sequence is to build trust and credibility before the call. Share client testimonials, address common objections, and give a sneak peek into what it's like working with you and your team.

If you have a sales team, encourage each member to write a personal email about their background and passion for the product. This helps establish their authority and complements the CEO's presence.

Remember, it takes an average of 7 hours of content consumption for someone to trust a brand enough to make a purchase. Use your pre-selling campaign to accelerate this process and prime prospects for the sale.

3. Conditional Follow-Up Campaign

Not every sales call results in an immediate close, but that doesn't mean the opportunity is lost. A conditional follow-up campaign allows you to nurture leads based on their specific objections or hesitations.

Start by identifying the top three reasons people don't buy from you during the initial call. Then, create targeted content to address each concern and guide prospects towards the next step, whether that's a follow-up call, in-person meeting, or trial close.

For example, if you run a social media agency charging $7-10k per month, price might be a common objection. By tagging prospects with "money objection" post-call, you can automatically send them through a sequence designed to overcome this hurdle and rebook them for a follow-up.

Conditional follow-up campaigns act as a sales assistant, delivering the right message at the right time without requiring manual effort from your team. This reduces sales admin time and helps close more deals faster.

To implement these email campaigns, set aside time to map out your sequences, write compelling copy, and set up the necessary automations in your CRM. The upfront investment will pay off in the form of higher conversion rates and a more efficient sales process.


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