🧘‍♀️ 3 Ways to Keep Sales Stress From Taking Over Your Life

Plus: The Joy of Email Automation

People assume burnout comes from something negative or a job they don’t like. But burnout can also come from something you’re passionate about.

  • You enjoy and like to spend all your time on it

  • You’re more personally invested - emotionally and financially

  • You ride the highs and lows of your passions more intensely

  • You may be a solopreneur, which can be isolating

Here are 3 areas to focus on to help keep stress from taking over your life and help you maintain a healthy work/life balance.


A Fixed mindset can lead to burnout because you believe work is your whole world. That you need to always be accessible on phone, email or social. You may even feel guilty if you take a break or focus on activities other than what you “should” be doing. You may engage in self-talk like:

  • I'm either good at sales or I'm not. There's no point in trying to improve.

  • Rejection is a sign of failure.

  • I've reached my limit in terms of sales skills. There's nothing more I can learn or develop.

  • I'm just not cut out for this job. Others have a natural talent for sales that I don't possess.

  • If I don't meet my sales targets, it means I'm not capable enough and should consider a different career.

A Growth mindset is less obsessive. You see multiple paths to your success. You’re more flexible, allow yourself to take breaks, spend time on other interests, and can pivot or change directions when life’s unexpected moments come up. Your self-talk may sound like this:

  • Every rejection is a learning opportunity. It helps me refine my approach and become better at what I do.

  • I believe in my ability to develop and master new sales techniques through practice and persistence.

  • Feedback from customers and colleagues is valuable input that helps me grow and refine my sales strategies.

The first step is introspection or self-awareness. Do you find yourself leaning more towards Fixed or Growth? What is your self-talk? How much flexibility and grace you give yourself? As you become more aware you can start to change those internal scripts.


It’s so easy to spend hours and hours in your job or business and toss your boundaries out the window because it’s what you love to do. Boundaries give you more work/life harmony, rather than allowing your passion to become obsession. So you’re not responding to calls during your kids’ soccer game. And you’re regularly making time for the people and activities you enjoy.

Be more intentional with your time you can do less and be more productive. Designate specific times for those few priorities each day so you are present and focused and not distracted by other non-essential busy things. Also, intentionally schedule breaks throughout your day to build in the last strategy - self-care.


I’m not talking about spa days, bubble baths, or weekend getaways (even though they’re EPIC and I love them.) I’m talking about practical, daily self-care. Not only on activities that help you relax and decompress, but also those that light you, recharge you, and build your confidence.

Find ways to include hobbies, creativity, fun, and laughing with others. Self-care does not have to be done in isolation. Taking time throughout your day–even as little as 10 minutes–makes you more productive, and creative, and helps you stay in it for the long haul.

To help you lower stress, become more productive, and enjoy better work/life harmony, I’ve created a free cheat sheet: Reclaim Your time in 10-Minute Blocks.

About Daniela Wolfe

Daniela helps stressed and burnt-out professionals ditch the guilt and overwhelm, productively manage daily tasks with ease, and have the time and energy for self-care every day. She has been a Licensed Master Social Worker for 27 years, focused on self-care, stress management skills, mindfulness, relationships, parenting, and managing all the chaos of life. Her mission is to empower you to prioritize yourself on your to-do lists and master strategies to makeover your daily life.

What cycle of “hire and fire another sales rep” are you on?

First? Second? Third? In my experience, founders will go through the process of hiring, onboarding, wait-and-see’ing and firing sales reps 3 times before they give up and ask for help. So, why not skip the pain and fast forward to the pleasure? Hire your first (or next) salesperson and get it right the first time. Check out Startup Sales Leadership Academy.

“We have been able to re-design our sales process in a way that feels much more strategic, easy, and achievable. I never loved sales, but now I am excited by it, and Michelle showed me ways I could grow my business and my team without having to be the main chief salesperson. Highly value and recommend her wealth of experience and knowledge she shares with her clients.”

Raimonda Jankunaite – Founder & CEO, Women in Business


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