👸🏻 6 Virtual events to sell out your coaching or consulting program

Plus: Pro-tips to boost upgrades into your core offer

▶️ Press play

  • 00:41 What are virtual live events?

  • 01:54 How to simplify virtual live events

  • 03:04 Social Selling with the Live Launch checklist

  • 05:00 Mini courses

  • 06:45 Masterclasses/ Webinars

  • 07:26 Challenges

  • 08:25 Workshops

  • 09:27 Secret Podcast/Audio

  • 10:08 Summits

📝 Notes if ya wanna read

Live events provide an opportunity to connect with your audience in real-time, showcase your expertise, and create a sense of urgency around your offers. Here are 6 of our favorites.

But before we get into that, how do you promote a virtual event (or any event)? I don’t know about you but I don’t want to spend 24-7 on social media. I like to batch my content creation, batch my scheduling, batch all the things.

The only time I love being on social media is when I’m selling (I literally have a program called Salesy Social.) So whatever gives me more time to talk to people in comments or DMs, I’m doing that. That’s why I love using tools like today’s newsletter partner, Opus Pro.

They’ve got some tips for you about how to grow on LinkedIn (reach over there is hot right now) but you can apply them to any social media channel. Check it out…

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn. This presents a major opportunity for brands (and thought leaders) ready to step in.

Here’s how you can capitalize:

  1. Grab your company's existing video assets, like interviews or webinars

  2. Generate dozens of clips using OpusClip

  3. Schedule your whole month’s worth of video clips on LI using our new Calendar feature

  4. Reply to comments on your videos to foster your new connections

Want the full breakdown, with examples from companies like SaaStr and Chili Piper? Read it for free here

Thanks guys! Okay, now back to today’s topic. Here are the 6 events types I was telling you about.

1. Mini-Courses

  • Pre-recorded video series delivered over 3-5 days

  • Allows for a more relaxed launch experience

  • Can achieve conversion rates of up to 50%

Pro-Tip: Create a mini-course that naturally leads to your paid offer to maximize conversions.

2. Masterclasses or Webinars

  • Short, focused live events lasting 60-90 minutes

  • Ideal for teaching on a specific topic and making an offer

  • Excellent for list building and community growth

Pro-Tip: Offer a limited-time bonus for attendees who purchase your program during the live event.

3. Challenges

  • 3-10 day live events with daily activities or lessons

  • Work well for coaches who thrive on daily live interaction

  • Consider offering a VIP ticket alongside your free challenge

Pro-tips: Engage with participants throughout the challenge to build relationships and trust. VIP tickets have a high conversion rate into your main paid program.

4. Workshops

  • 1-3 hour live events focusing on teaching a specific skill

  • Differ from challenges in their defined learning outcome

  • Paid workshops, priced between $27-$47 or higher, can generate revenue

Pro-Tip: Provide a workbook or resources to enhance the workshop experience and increase perceived value, so it’s not just a webinar by another name.

5. Secret Podcasts or Audio Summits

  • Emerging formats catering to audio-preferring audiences

  • Allow for connection without video production

  • Create a community element to maximize engagement and conversions

Pro-Tip: Offer exclusive bonuses or discounts for listeners who purchase your program during the event.

6. Summits

  • Collaborative live events bringing together multiple experts

  • Ideal for expanding your network and establishing brand authority

  • Require significant planning and coordination

Pro-Tip: Before hosting a summit, participate in one to gain experience and insights.

The Key to Success: Sales Strategy

Regardless of which one you choose, please make sure it makes sense that when someone is done with your live event, they are ready to say yes to you in a greater way.

  • Ensure your live event content naturally leads to your paid offer

  • Provide value, build trust, and create urgency around your program

By choosing the right format and implementing a strong sales strategy, you can build a strong relationship with your audience. Best of all, it makes buying your program the obvious next step and a no-brainer.

Final pro-Tip: Before launching your live event, complete a pre-launch checklist to ensure you're fully prepared for success.

If enjoyed this video and article and you want more help on sales strategy, here’s your obvious next step 👇

Close 80% of your discovery calls in 30 minutes or less

I’ll help you turn 60-90 minute discovery calls into 20-30 minute ones… Without following a script or sounding like a telemarketer… Without employing manipulative hard-sell tactics… And close them too.

How? With my Discovery Call Success Pack. Here’s what’s included:

  • The Empowered Yes Formula

  • The Captivate to Convert Method

  • The Prep for Success System

  • The Sales Call Audit Pack

  • The Mindset of Confident Selling

  • The Discovery Call Form Template

  • The Social Media Swipe Files


or to participate.