👸🏻 7 Tips to Nail Your Sales Role Play Interview

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

💡 Highlights

  • How to properly prepare for the interview [01:40]

  • How to create the best discovery call questions [02:20]

  • Using your listening skills [03:10]

  • Make sure your follow-up questions are top-notch [03:38]

  • Remembering to be results-oriented [04:10]

  • Closing the deal [05:00]

  • Remembering to smile [06:05]

Interviewing for a sales job? A role play interview is part of the process. Here are 7 tips to help you nail your sales role play interview.

1. Prep Like a Pro

Before your interview, research the company's client profile and unique value proposition. This information can be found on their website, social media, and other PR materials. Come prepared with customized discovery questions that demonstrate your understanding of the company and its target audience.

2. Mindset Matters

Approach the role play with confidence and enthusiasm. Embrace the mindset that you're the best sales rep in the world and that you're excited to sell for this company. Your positive energy will set you apart from other candidates.

3. Listen Actively

During the role play, focus on active listening. Use engaging body language, maintain eye contact, and show that you're fully present in the conversation. This will help you build rapport with the interviewer and gather valuable information.

4. Ask Killer Follow-Up Questions

Use the information you gather during the discovery phase to ask insightful follow-up questions. This will demonstrate your ability to think on your feet and tailor your approach to the client's specific needs and pain points.

5. Pitch a Results-Oriented Solution

When presenting your solution, focus on the results and benefits it will provide to the client. Avoid getting bogged down in features and technical details. Instead, emphasize how your solution will solve their problems, make their life easier, or help them achieve their goals.

6. Always Be Closing

Every sales conversation should close to the next step in the sales cycle. Depending on the product or service you're selling, this could mean securing a trial, booking a follow-up meeting, or even closing the deal on the spot. Show the interviewer that you're always working towards moving the sale forward.

7. Remember to Smile

Don't underestimate the power of a smile! Even if you're feeling nervous or overthinking things, make a conscious effort to smile throughout the role play. It will make you appear more trustworthy, likable, and engaged, leaving a positive impression on the interviewer.

Close 80% of your discovery calls in 30 minutes or less

I’ll help you turn 60-90 minute discovery calls into 20-30 minute ones… Without following a script or sounding like a telemarketer… Without employing manipulative hard-sell tactics… And close them too.

How? With my Discovery Call Success Pack. Here’s what’s included:

  • The Empowered Yes Formula

  • The Captivate to Convert Method

  • The Prep for Success System

  • The Sales Call Audit Pack

  • The Mindset of Confident Selling

  • The Discovery Call Form Template

  • The Social Media Swipe Files


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