👸🏻 Ask a CRO: Q&A with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

Selling in the DMs, VIP Days, Pivoting Offers, Choosing the Right Niche

💡 Highlights

  • How to get prospects out of the friend zone and into the buying zone [00:00]

  • How to stop overthinking your offers so you can sell what you’re the best in the world at [02:49]

  • How to sunset a product or service you don’t want to sell anymore [04:56]

  • How to test new offers profitably using “VIP Days” [07:16]

  • How to pick a niche the right way [10:15]

In this episode of Ask a CRO, Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra answers your questions on common challenges faced by sales professionals and entrepreneurs.

Escaping the Friend Zone in Sales

You may find yourself stuck in the "friend zone" with potential clients, especially when using social media, relationship-based sales, or referrals. Here's how to transition from building rapport to making a sale:

  1. Ask a transition question related to what you sell

  2. Keep the question simple and tied to the conversation

  3. Guide the prospect to see you as the solution

"Give a little piece of value and then ask them a question back that they're able to answer easily that guides them to you as the solution."

Transitioning from rapport-building to selling

Pivoting Your Services: Consider VIP Days

If you find yourself no longer wanting to fulfill a particular service, it might be time to pivot your offers. Consider VIP Days (also known as day rates) as a way to simplify your services and reduce stress:

  • Deliver high-value work in a condensed timeframe

  • Increase perceived value and potentially earn more than retainers

  • Avoid constantly servicing clients

"You actually can make a substantial amount of increased cash, more money doing VIP days than typical retainers. And your stress level typically goes down because you're not constantly having to service the client." - Michelle Terpstra, Chief Revenue Officer

Avoiding Overthinking Your Offers

Entrepreneurs and visionaries often struggle with staying focused on one area. When the temptation to switch arises here’s what you could do:

  • Be known for something specific in your niche

  • Find ways to "scratch the itch" without completely changing your offer

  • If pivoting, ensure it aligns with your expertise and goals

Choosing the Right Niche

Selecting the right niche is crucial for success. Here’s how to choose a niche that allows you to thrive:

  • Target people who have the budget to pay you

  • Research competitors and differentiate yourself

  • Conduct buyer intent research using Google

  • Test your offer with perfect prospects and refine based on objections

No more 60-minute sales calls that end in “I need to think about it”

It sucks, right? You spend all that time building a relationship via DMs and then finally getting your prospect on a discovery call…

Only for it to take way longer than you thought and leave you further away from the sale than when you started.

If I offered to help you close 80% of your calls in 30 minutes or less…

Without using hard-sell tactics that make you wanna take a shower after or manipulating your prospect into a purchase she’s not ready for…

Would you take me up on that offer?


or to participate.