📚 How to Find Time to Write Your Book

11 Tips for the Wife, Mom, Business Owner

Today, we're going to chat about writing that book you've been dreaming of. I won't tell you when or how to do it–we all have our unique schedules and ways of working. But I will share some tips that have worked wonders for me and my clients. Who knows, they might just help you too!

1. It’s okay to NOT write a book

We’d all love to be THAT entrepreneur—the NYT best-selling author of the next hit nonfiction book that sells millions of copies and turns us into a media sensation. But first, you’ve got to decide whether publishing a book is something you really want.

In my experience coaching entrepreneurs, who are some of the most resourceful and high-agency people on the planet, the things they really want to do… get done. So, if writing a book is not a priority for you, it’s okay to say, “this is not for me.” No judgment here!

2. Write the outline first

Writers get stuck most often because they don’t know what to write. Staring at a blank page does that to you. A detailed outline solves this problem. Plus it creates momentum, which inspires you to keep going. And as an added benefit, it allows you to work on different sections of your book when inspiration strikes, instead of writing the entire thing linearly.

3. Work with your Chronotype

For some writers, the words flow best first thing in the morning, while others are most creative at night. The secret to productivity isn’t time management; it’s energy management. Write when it’s easiest and most fun for you.

4. Weekend writing

I found I got the most done when I had large blocks of dedicated time to write. Weekends were the only time I wasn’t deep in other work activities, so I would set aside 2 to 3 hours of time while my kids slept or watched a movie.

5. Wake up an hour early

My client Tannya would wake up extra early to write while everyone else was asleep. She’s a toddler mom and a stylist with a packed schedule. Here’s what she sent me 6 weeks after figuring out how she writes best:

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 1st draft will be done by next Saturday. Feels like a huge accomplishment, last time I couldn't even finish one full chapter in a month 🤣 I was writing little pieces here and there of multiple chapters.

Tannya finished her first draft in 6 weeks

6. Stay up an hour late

This was me. I’d stay up late to write after everyone had gone to bed.

7. Hire a babysitter

When I wrote my Master’s thesis in graduate school–which would eventually become the beginning of my memoir–I hired a babysitter or got my husband to handle the kids while I’d disappear for an hour or two to write. It was well worth the investment.

8. Voice notes

It’s the worst feeling ever–having a brilliant idea and forgetting it because you didn’t write it down. I’ve recorded voice notes in the shower, while on my morning walks, and while driving to pick up the kids from school.

9. Sneak writing in

Between meetings, I’d sometimes sneak in a paragraph here and there. You could also do it while waiting for appointments, e.g. while waiting for your kid to finish with the dentist.

10. Don’t write. Talk

Some of my clients preferred recording themselves talking for 10-20+ minutes and using speech-to-text software to transcribe the contents. This works well because the writing ends up sounding conversational.

11. Writing retreats

I once took a week off in the summer to go away to a writer’s retreat. Just make sure you’re writing and not vacationing. You can do a “staycation” version of this, where you book yourself a hotel room for the weekend.

Whew! Okay, I know that was a lot, but if you only take one thing away from this article, let it be that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to writing your book. You’ll have to try different methods to find what works best for you.

Now that you’ve carved out the time to write your book, let’s make sure you’re writing the right book. One big mistake I often see first-time authors make is writing the wrong book. The wrong book is one that doesn't serve your business goals. For more info on how to write a client-attracting book, check out our free masterclass.

About Camille Campins-Adams

Camille is a book coach and book launch strategist living in sunny Florida. She specializes in helping nonfiction authors write and sell books that resonate with their ideal clients, guiding them through successful book launches and leveraging their stories to become thought leaders.


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