How to fine-tune ChatGPT & other LLMs for your consulting business

Mich-AI-lle coaches just like I would but takes minutes not hours

In partnership with

💡 Highlights

  • 00:00 Introduction: Creating a Job Description in Two Minutes

  • 00:07 Embracing AI for Business Efficiency

  • 00:58 Training and Customizing Your AI Bot

  • 01:55 Real-World Application: AI in Coaching

  • 03:45 Demonstration: Crafting a Job Description

  • 04:44 Key Responsibilities and KPIs

  • 05:22 Advanced Strategies for Client Retention

  • 05:56 Getting the Prompt and Final Thoughts

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I've been training my ChatGPT as an early adopter for a longggg time. I now have it acting, talking and coaching just like I would but my time to output is literally 2 minutes instead of hours of creation time.

This week I tested it with a client for HER business and it was near perfect for HER and 100% reflective of what I would have recommended. Here is what we did.

  1. I had her introduce her self via Zoom and describe the JD she wanted and the outcome of the role for a success manager, including the design on her coaching support for clients. As she was talking, I had my phone on and my ChatGPT was recording her.

  2. Before I stopped the recording, I added in my additional notes and instructed ChatGPT what to do.

  3. In less than 60 seconds it produced a perfectly designed JD and structure for her success coach.

So not only does my bot work for my biz, but it works for my clients too keeping the integrity of my leadership and sales coaching skills and style.

I have nearly 100 templates, scripts, playbooks and resources in my courses. I am planning to release them all with AI prompts so that you can have this success as well. How would it change your business if you could create a sales plan, JD or script in less than 5 minutes with minimal edits needed?


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