How to control dominant personalities on sales calls

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

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You've probably encountered your fair share of dominant personalities on sales calls. These Type A, ambitious individuals can be challenging to manage, often trying to take control of the conversation. But the truth is, they crave strong leadership from you. Here’s how to guide them through sales calls.

Why Dominant Personalities Buy High-Ticket Offers

First, let's understand who we're dealing with. If you're selling premium packages or high-ticket services, you're likely attracting driven, successful professionals or business owners. These are the people who can afford your $10,000 package or $3,000 monthly retainer.

The Secret Desire of Type A Buyers

Here's something that might surprise you: most Type A personalities actually love it when someone else takes control and tells them what to do. It might seem counterintuitive, but as a personality expert, I can assure you it's true.

Taking the Lead on Your Sales Call

So, how do you position yourself as a leader and take control of the call? The answer is simple yet powerful: set intentions early in the conversation.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Start with rapport building

  2. Transition to setting intentions

  3. Outline your plan for the call

  4. Give your prospect a chance to add their priorities

A Real-World Example

Let's say you're on a call with Alicia. After building rapport, you might say:

"Hey Alicia, I'm super excited to be on this call and can't wait to talk about how I can help you create and sell your next offer. Over the next 30 minutes, we're going to dive into exactly what you need in your business so I can identify if I can help you achieve that goal. Is there anything you'd like to prioritize during this call so I can make sure to integrate it into our conversation?"

How to set intentions

Why This Approach Works

This simple introduction accomplishes several things:

  • It positions you as the leader

  • It shows you have a plan

  • It sets clear expectations for the call

  • It gives your prospect a chance to feel heard

By taking control in this way, you're actually doing your Type A client a favor. You're providing structure and leadership, which they secretly crave.

Implementing This Strategy

Try using this approach on your next sales call. You might be surprised at how much easier it becomes to guide the conversation and ultimately close the deal.

And hey, if you're loving this content and want to dive deeper into mastering your sales skills, I've got something special for you. Check out my Discovery Call Success Pack. It's packed with frameworks and strategies to help you close 80% of your calls in 30 minutes or less. At just $47, it's an investment that could transform your business.


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