🇺🇦 How much should you pay a virtual assistant from Eastern Europe?

Short answer: $10-$15/hour Long answer: 👇

Virtual assistants, executive assistants, personal assistants, whatever you call them, regularly save their managers up to 36 hours a week. Imagine how much strategic and creative business growth you can achieve with that reclaimed time. Question is, how much should you pay for one? In this post, I’ll help you answer that question. And show you why Eastern European virtual assistants are the best bang for your buck.

The Eastern European Advantage

When it comes to hiring a virtual assistant, businesses often grapple with the decision of whether to hire locally or remotely from places like Southeast Asia. However, Eastern Europe emerges as a sweet spot, offering unparalleled value for money.

  • Eastern Europeans are highly educated, bringing them to the same level of competence as their Western counterparts.

  • They have good cultural and time zone compatibility with Western countries.

  • With hourly rates ranging from $10 to $15, Eastern European virtual assistants provide a high-quality service at half the cost of their counterparts from the United States and other Western countries.

If we're speaking about a senior assistant with experience in recruitment, project management, and working for companies like yours for many years, this would be approximately $25 per hour – still way cheaper than a senior professional you would hire locally.

The best part? All Eastern Europeans are tax residents of their own countries and manage their taxes themselves, so there's no need to navigate taxes, insurance, and any of the other red tape involved with hiring locally. And this is on top of having an impeccable work ethic and a good, stable internet connection.

What About South/South-East Asia?

I know most advocates of offshoring promote hiring cheap virtual assistants from places like India, Pakistan or the Philippines. But $3 per hour virtual assistants are not the solution, and they have never been. It doesn't even matter where they're from. You get what you pay for. If you pay $3 per hour, you get $3 per hour quality.

In many cases (not all) a $3/hour VA lacks competence and doesn't have the ambition or growth mindset to own projects within the business. Add to this, poor responsiveness and reliability. Virtual assistants from the South and South-East Asia can be good for many things. But once you try Eastern European talent, I promise you're never going back.

One area where hiring Eastern European team members can have a massive impact on your business is business development. SDRs who are critical thinkers and can adapt to leads on-the-fly are vastly more effective than ones who need to read a flow-chart to book appointments (as opposed to having a normal human conversation.)

The important thing to know is that your SDR isn’t your closer and your closer isn’t your SDR. They are two different jobs requiring two different skill sets and two different temperaments. To avoid the most common mistakes business owners make when building sales teams, check out Startup Sales Leadership Academy.

Payment Structure and Flexibility

Now that you've found the perfect Eastern European virtual assistant, the next question is how to structure their payment. Depending on your business size and task complexity, you can opt for an hourly or a monthly payment model. This flexibility ensures that you pay for what you use, aligning with your business needs and budget constraints.

  • An average monthly salary for a highly experienced Eastern European assistant would be $1,700 to $2,000 per month.

  • In comparison, a local U.S. assistant would cost $4,500 to $6,000 per month.

This means that outsourcing your work to an Eastern European assistant will not only greatly improve your business processes and scale your business but also save you up to 80% of your hiring costs.

In addition to this, the salary is considered good money in Eastern Europe, so the person will also be highly motivated to continue working for you.

Finding the right virtual assistant can be challenging. While social media, job hosting websites, and freelance platforms offer channels to find candidates, the process itself can be overwhelming. The real hurdle is not in finding people who want your job but in the extensive time and effort required to sift through numerous candidates.

On average, while hiring, business owners spend up to 20 hours a week trying to analyze each application they receive, screen candidates, schedule them, and spend time interviewing – even those who never had the potential to begin with.

If you have better things to do with your time, here's the ultimate solution. At HireUA, we streamline the hiring process, placing top-level Eastern European virtual assistants into your business at record speed.

Click here to book a call with our team to learn about our candidates and the salaries. With our awesome team's assistance, you can redirect your focus to high-leverage activities propelling your business forward and also have your next rockstar virtual assistant start in less than a week. Mention “Sunday Sales Delight” to get an exclusive discount.


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