❤️‍🔥 How to use emotional intelligence to close more deals

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

A lot of sales training focuses only on hard skills like prospecting, communication, time management, and negotiation. While these skills are undoubtedly important, they're missing a crucial element that can make or break your success in sales: emotional intelligence.

For a longer discussion on this topic, check out this podcast I did with Cameron Williams of Legacy’s Journey.

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What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient or EQ, is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions while also recognizing and influencing the emotions of others. In sales, it's your secret weapon for creating meaningful connections and closing deals with ease.

Why EQ matters in sales

When you have a high EQ, you can:

  • Convert almost effortlessly

  • Project confidence and authority

  • Communicate powerfully with potential clients

  • Build trust quickly, even with strangers

Contrary to popular belief, sales isn't just about pitching products or services. It's about building relationships. Whether you're a coach, consultant, service provider, or speaker, your success hinges on your ability to connect with others on an emotional level.

The good news? EQ can be learned and improved, regardless of whether you're an introvert or extrovert, naturally charismatic or a bit awkward.

How to improve your EQ for sales success

  1. Become aware of your emotional triggers - After analyzing hundreds of sales calls, I've seen how a potential client's responses can trigger a business owner and change the entire conversation. The first step to improving your EQ is recognizing these triggers in yourself.

  2. Manage your emotions productively - Once you're aware of your triggers, work on managing your emotional responses. This doesn't mean suppressing your feelings, but rather dealing with them in a healthy way that doesn't derail your sales conversations.

  3. Learn to read body language and verbal cues - Pay attention to the nuances of communication. Notice pauses, inflections, and non-verbal signals. This will help you stay one step ahead in the conversation and anticipate your buyer's needs.

  4. Practice empathy and perspective-taking - Put yourself in your potential client's shoes. Try to understand their feelings, motivations, and concerns. This will help you tailor your approach and make them feel deeply heard.

The impact of high EQ on your sales

As you develop your emotional intelligence, you'll notice that sales conversations become more authentic, aligned, and easy. You'll transform into a leader who is calm, magnetic, and wise, with a waiting list of clients eager to work with you.

Remember, improving your EQ is an ongoing process. It requires consistent effort and practice. But the results are worth it: you'll be able to create win-win relationships with your potential clients without exhausting yourself or feeling overwhelmed.

An emotional intelligence daily practice

Start noticing how your EQ is impacting your business right now. Pay attention to your emotional responses during sales calls. How do you react when a potential client raises an objection? How do you handle your own disappointment if a sale doesn't close?

These observations will reveal areas where growth in emotional intelligence can lead to increased sales success. After all, who you are impacts your sales outcomes just as much as what you know or what you do.

By focusing on developing your EQ, you're not just becoming better at selling – you're becoming a better communicator, a more empathetic leader, and a more successful entrepreneur overall. And in today's relationship-driven business world, that's a priceless advantage.


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