🆕 How to win in 2025

Lessons from our Executive Business Roundtable

💡 Highlights

  • 00:00 Introduction and Achievements

  • 00:34 Purpose of the Round Table

  • 01:36 Guest Introductions and Park City Life

  • 05:14 Best Practices for 2025

  • 06:01 The Importance of Community and AI

  • 07:59 Video and Omni-Channel Consistency

  • 14:41 Juliana's Success with Self-Liquidating Offers

  • 15:53 Resilience in Business

  • 32:36 Exciting Announcements and Reflections

  • 39:14 Email Deliverability and Engagement Strategies

  • 42:55 Community Building: Platforms and Best Practices

  • 48:11 Veronica's Six Non-Negotiables for 2025 Offers

  • 57:36 Special Offers and Future Plans

  • 01:00:48 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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Despite the current economic uncertainties, including inflation and shifting buyer behaviors, there are still abundant opportunities for business growth. The goal of this executive business roundtable is to focus on actionable strategies within your control, to help you win in 2025.

To help me do this invited a diverse group of experts to share their experiences and best practices, covering topics that are not only relevant now but will continue to be crucial in the coming years. We'll explore ways to make necessary pivots, enhancements, and changes to your business model, ensuring you're well-positioned for success in this evolving market. Recently, I helped my biggest client achieve the 1686th position on the Inc. 5000 list, using many of the strategies we'll discuss today.

You're welcome to watch the recording of the roundtable. In fact, it's a must watch. However, if you prefer to read, I've summarized the most valuable insights below. Enjoy.

Jordan Duvall on Branding

I'm a branding expert with extensive experience in entertainment advertising and media. Here's why good branding is more important than ever if you want to win in 2025:

Authenticity, innovation, and connection are the three key pillars of successful branding in 2025 and beyond. These elements help create a strong, memorable brand that resonates with your audience.

People crave authentic human-centered storytelling. Share your journey, including challenges and personal growth. This transparency builds a deeper emotional connection between you and your audience. Remember, people are investing in you and what your brand represents, not just products or services.

Community building is crucial in today's digital landscape. Whether through memberships, exclusive groups, or live events, fostering a sense of belonging among your audience is vital. This community aspect satisfies a fundamental human need and can significantly boost brand loyalty.

Embrace AI and automation to streamline your processes, but use them judiciously. AI can help with content creation and ideation, freeing you up for high-level strategy and innovation. However, always ensure there's a human touch in your final output to maintain authenticity.

Video content continues to dominate the digital space. Incorporate various types of video content into your strategy, such as talking-head videos, screen recordings, or behind-the-scenes footage. Integrate video across your website and social media platforms to engage your audience more effectively.

Maintain omnichannel consistency in your branding. Use consistent colors, logos, typography, and messaging across all platforms and touchpoints. This consistency builds trust and recognition, making your brand more memorable and credible to your audience.

Juliana Joy on Resilience

As a relationship coach and business owner, I've learned valuable lessons about resilience and adaptability in business this year. Here's what I want to share:

Many entrepreneurs believe that business growth should be constant and linear. However, this is a misconception. It's crucial to understand that business cycles naturally include periods of growth, stagnation, and even decline. Don't be discouraged if you're not experiencing continuous growth; it's a normal part of the business journey.

Your emotional state significantly impacts your decision-making abilities. When you're feeling low or stressed, you're more likely to make poor choices. It's essential to take time to acknowledge and process your emotions. This practice of emotional awareness can lead to clearer thinking and better business decisions.

Consumer behavior has evolved, particularly in terms of attention span. People are now less likely to engage with long-form content or lengthy sales pitches. To adapt, we need to adjust our marketing and sales strategies. Consider creating more concise, engaging content that quickly captures and retains attention.

Data analysis is crucial for understanding your business performance. Regularly examine your key performance indicators (KPIs) and financial metrics. Additionally, invest time in understanding your customer base. Create detailed buyer personas to better tailor your products or services to your target audience's needs and preferences.

Resilience is key in business. When faced with setbacks or failures, it's important not to give up. Each challenge presents an opportunity for learning and growth. The more you persist through difficulties, the more skilled you become at problem-solving and adapting to various business situations. Remember, resilience is a skill that can be developed over time.

Nabeel Azeez on Creativity and Community

I’m a direct response copywriter and much of my work involves ghostwriting for experts with personal brands. Here's what I've learned working with clients and on my own offers this year:

I highly recommend reading "Alchemy" by Rory Sutherland. This book offers unique perspectives on marketing and problem-solving in business. Sutherland's insights can help you approach challenges creatively and find unconventional solutions.

Artificial Intelligence can be a useful tool for writing, but it has its quirks. While it can generate content quickly, it often uses repetitive phrases or clichés. When using AI, carefully review and edit the output to ensure it sounds natural and aligns with your brand voice.

For effective email marketing, aim to send three emails per week. This frequency helps maintain engagement without overwhelming subscribers. Focus on engaged subscribers to maintain good deliverability rates. Regularly clean your list by removing inactive subscribers to improve open rates and avoid spam filters.

Consider monetizing your newsletter through platforms like beehiiv. They can insert relevant ads into your emails, providing a revenue stream without much additional work on your part. This can help offset the costs of running your email list or even become a significant income source.

If you're looking to build an online community, platforms like Mighty Networks or Circle offer robust features for group management. These platforms provide tools for discussions, content sharing, and member engagement. They can be more effective than traditional social media for building a dedicated community around your brand.

Lastly, prioritize clear, straightforward language in your communications. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex terms that might confuse your audience. Simple, direct language is often more engaging and can help you connect better with your readers, regardless of their background or expertise level.

Veronica Romney on 6 Offer Non-Negotiables

I'm a marketing consultant with extensive experience working with a wide range of businesses, from publicly traded companies to small businesses and personal brands. Based on my research and observations, I've identified six non-negotiable elements for successful offers in 2025:

1. High proximity, intimacy, and personalization:

Customers are seeking closer connections with brands. Offer high-touch, personalized experiences that make clients feel valued and understood. Even if you're not providing one-on-one services, find ways to incorporate personalization into your offerings.

2. Immersive experiences:

Create offerings that feel once-in-a-lifetime or unmissable. Highlight the unique aspects of your product or service, and communicate any natural scarcity or urgency. This doesn't mean fabricating false scarcity, but rather emphasizing the true value and timeliness of your offer.

3. Perceived high value ("steal of a deal"):

Regardless of the actual price point, position your offer as an exceptional value. This isn't about being cheap, but about demonstrating that the value received far outweighs the cost. Contextualize your pricing to highlight the value proposition.

4. Done-for-you components:

There's a growing preference for solutions that save time and effort. Include elements in your offer that take work off your client's plate. Even if you're not providing a full done-for-you service, highlight aspects of your offer that simplify or automate tasks for your clients.

5. High trust and social proof:

Go beyond basic testimonials. Implement trust-building measures proactively, such as introducing potential clients to recent customers. Make building and demonstrating trust a standard part of your sales process, not just something you do upon request.

6. No fluff, concise content:

With the abundance of free information available, paid offerings must provide clear, actionable value without filler content. Focus on delivering profound, concise learning experiences. This is particularly important if your offer includes educational components.

By incorporating these elements into your offers, you can create more compelling and effective products or services that resonate with today's consumers and stand out in the marketplace.

Michelle Terpstra on Sales Education and Growth Consulting

I agree with Veronica's insights on offer creation. These principles are crucial for success in the current market and will likely remain relevant through 2026. Let me expand on some key trends and predictions:

In the sales education space, we're seeing a shift towards bundling products with educational content. For instance, sales professionals specializing in cold emails are offering free education on social media platforms, but reserving valuable templates and tools for paying customers. This approach provides immediate value and time-saving resources to clients.

There's a growing preference for small group gatherings and intensive sessions over traditional weekly group coaching calls. Clients are seeking more focused, immersive experiences that deliver concentrated value in shorter timeframes.

Micro-learning and specific problem-solving content are gaining traction. People are looking for targeted solutions to specific challenges rather than comprehensive courses covering broad topics.

Looking ahead to 2025-2026, I predict three key factors for business success:

  1. Offer creation aligned with Veronica's six non-negotiable elements.

  2. Implementation of recurring revenue strategies to increase customer lifetime value and provide stability.

  3. Development of sustainable sales processes, potentially including a mix of automated and personalized approaches.

Without these elements, businesses may struggle to maintain growth and avoid burnout. It's crucial to adapt your business model to incorporate these factors for long-term success and stability.

To help you implement these strategies

I'm offering limited consulting opportunities.

1. Two-day intensive in Park City:

  • Day 1: In-depth business assessment, focusing on sales processes, Q4/Q1 planning, and offer optimization.

  • Day 2: Four hours in a professional content creation studio, with editing services included.

  • Limited to two spots.

2. Virtual VIP Days:

  • Four-hour virtual consulting sessions.

  • Focus on offer creation, sales processes, or sales team development.

  • Limited to two spots.

3. One-hour Consulting Sessions:

  • Targeted problem-solving and strategy sessions.

  • Available for five clients.

These options are designed to provide tailored support based on your specific needs and availability. If you're interested in any of these opportunities, please reach out promptly as spots are limited.


or to participate.