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  • Sales funnel review: aileadership.com by Geoff Woods, author of The Ai-Driven Leader

Sales funnel review: aileadership.com by Geoff Woods, author of The Ai-Driven Leader

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

Sales funnel review: aileadership.com by Geoff Woods, author of The Ai-Driven Leader

💡 Highlights

  • 01:00 Why a well-architected sales funnel is essential

  • 02:52 Why coaches, consultants and experts need products (not just courses)

  • 05:00 How to transition your audience from top-of-funnel media to middle-of-funnel

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Do you have a leaky sales funnel? If you're a coach, consultant, or expert looking to scale your business, you might learn a thing or two from Geoff Woods, author of the upcoming book "The Ai-Driven Leader." Today, we're diving into his website, aileadership.com, to uncover the secrets of a well-crafted sales funnel.

Why sales funnel design matters

A well-architected sales funnel can help you:

  • Scale your business beyond one-on-one consulting

  • Generate recurring revenue

  • Prevent burnout

  • Stand out in a crowded market

Now, let's break down what makes Geoff's funnel so effective.

Multiple entry points into a sales funnel

Geoff doesn't rely on just one way to attract potential clients. His funnel has several entry points:

  1. Speaking engagements

  2. His upcoming book, "The Ai-Driven Leader"

  3. The aileadership.com website

"The best way to get paid to speak is to have a book."


This multi-pronged approach ensures he's reaching his audience through various channels, increasing his chances of engagement.

Experts need PRODUCTS (not courses)

Here's where Geoff really shines. Instead of relying solely on his expertise as a consultant, he's created a product—an AI tool that visitors can interact with directly on his website.

Why is this brilliant?

  • Scalability: It allows him to serve more people without increasing his personal workload

  • Recurring Revenue: A product can provide ongoing income, unlike one-off consulting gigs

  • Demonstration of Value: It gives potential clients a taste of his expertise

Converting a TOF speaking audience to MOF leads

Geoff offers a free course on getting started with AI. This serves as an excellent mid-funnel strategy, allowing him to:

  • Provide immediate value to potential clients

  • Showcase his expertise

  • Build trust and credibility

Eliminate all leaks and dead ends

One of the most impressive aspects of Geoff's funnel is how seamlessly it moves people from one stage to the next. Whether you're interested in corporate solutions, speaking engagements, or his AI tool, there's always a clear next step. Note: I can help you with this - see my CTA at the end of this article.

Avoid "dead ends" in your funnel. Always provide a clear path forward for your audience.

Also me

Diversify your revenue sources

Geoff's website clearly presents multiple offerings:

  • Corporate solutions

  • Speaking engagements

  • A "collective" (likely a community or membership program)

  • His AI tool

  • His book

This diversity ensures multiple income streams and caters to different audience needs.

So, what can you learn from Geoff's approach?

  1. Develop multiple entry points to your funnel

  2. Create a product that complements your expertise

  3. Offer free value to engage potential clients

  4. Ensure smooth progression through your funnel

  5. Leverage technology to enhance your offerings

  6. Diversify your revenue streams

One of the first things I do with my VIP clients when then hire me for growth consulting is find all the leaks and dead ends in their funnel and fix them. This is Fortune 500 RevOps-type stuff. It’s not surface-level, it’s not cookie-cutter, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But once we fix their funnel, whooo baby!

I’m going to be working closely with a handful of clients next year. Few entrepreneurs get this level of access to me (only 5 in 2024.) And I’m picky about who I work with. But if you’ve got a successful business and ambitious growth plans, get on the hotlist so you can be the first to know when I make the announcement. You’re not making any commitments, you’re simply opt-ing in.


or to participate.