👸🏻 The surprising benefits of walking start-of-day meetings

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

Let me take you back a few weeks. I noticed something was off during our daily start-up meetings. We were doing everything "right" - cameras on, discussing intentions, celebrating wins - but the energy just wasn't there. And in sales, energy is everything.

Here's the thing: sales is a transfer of energy. Whether you're sending an email, posting on social media, or hopping on a Zoom call, your energy comes through. If you're not bringing the high vibes, it impacts everything from your close rate to your response rate.

So, I decided to shake things up. Instead of our usual desk-bound meetings, I introduced walking start-of-days. The results? Nothing short of amazing.

Here's what I've observed since making the switch:

  1. Increased Energy: Moving gets the blood flowing and the mind buzzing. My team shows up to calls and meetings with a pep in their step (pun intended).

  2. More Creativity: We're seeing a flood of new ideas. The change of scenery seems to unlock parts of the brain that stay dormant at a desk.

  3. Better Productivity: Immediately after our walking meetings, I see a spike in appointment setting and outreach activities.

  4. Improved Well-being: Let's face it, sitting all day isn't great for anyone. This simple change helps my team feel better physically and mentally.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. “Michelle, that's great for you extroverts, but what about us introverts?” Trust me, I get it. While I am pretty extroverted, I need my quiet time too. The beauty of walking meetings is that they work for everyone. You can have your camera on or off, walk indoors or outdoors - whatever makes you comfortable.

If you're a leader reading this, I challenge you to try walking meetings with your team. Start small - maybe convert 30% of your meetings to walking ones. See what happens.

For individual contributors, bring this idea up in your next one-on-one. Show your manager this post if you need backup!

Remember, sales isn't just about tactics and strategies. It's about how you show up every day. By prioritizing your energy and well-being, you're setting yourself up for success in ways that go beyond any script or pitch.

If you enjoyed this and want more high-performance sales habits, grab a copy of my workbook on Amazon.


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