👸🏻 Why Deals Don't Close Even When You Get a Verbal Yes

Ask a CRO with Chief Revenue Officer Michelle Terpstra

💡 Highlights

  • Which “buying archetype” is most likely to ghost you after a verbal yes [01:32]

  • How to hold someone accountable to their promise to buy without coming off pushy or “sleazy salesman” [03:39]

  • The real reason why prospects give a verbal yes when they’re not fully ready to buy [04:52]

  • How to avoid getting ghosted the next time you deal with this type of buyer [07:50]

  • …And much more!

One of the most frustrating experiences is when a prospect gives you a verbal commitment, yet fails to follow through. In this video and accompanying article, we break down why this happens and what you can do about it.

Understanding "False Buy-In"

What is False Buy-In?

False buy-in occurs when a prospect verbally agrees to a deal but isn't fully committed. This is common with analytical buyers, who may be hesitant to decline directly during a sales call, especially if they're dealing with a dominant, visionary salesperson.

Why Does This Happen?

  • Buyer Personas: Different buyers have different personalities. Analytical buyers might say yes to avoid conflict but hesitate later.

  • Vision vs. Solution: Prospects might be sold on the vision but not convinced about the actual solution.

Strategies to Combat Ghosting

Hold Them Accountable

When a prospect ghosts after a verbal commitment, it’s crucial to follow up. Here’s how:

  • Personalized Follow-Up: Refer back to your call notes and highlight why your product is critical to their success.

  • Consistent Contact: Follow up 2-4 times without being too aggressive. Analytical buyers can be turned off by pushiness.

Effective Follow-Up Steps

  1. Review Call Notes: Tailor your follow-up messages to address specific points discussed during the call.

  2. Balance Persistence and Patience: Be persistent but not aggressive. Analytical buyers appreciate a measured approach.

  3. Direct Conversation: When you get them back on the call, ask directly about their hesitation. For example: "Last Friday, you mentioned you'd sign up by end of the day, but it's now Wednesday. Can we discuss what might be holding you back?"

Provide the Necessary Details

Analytical buyers crave data and specifics:

  • Realistic Numbers: Provide detailed figures and realistic projections.

  • Examples and Case Studies: Offer concrete examples and detailed case studies to back up your claims.

Closing the Deal

Hold Space for the Prospect

When you get a second verbal commitment, guide the prospect to complete the purchase while you’re still on the call:

  • Send the Checkout Link: Provide the link directly in the chat or via email.

  • Mutual Tasking: While they complete the purchase, you can engage in a related task, such as notifying an account manager about the new client. This makes the waiting period less awkward.

Avoid Future Ghosting

To prevent ghosting in future interactions:

  • Ask the Right Questions: Before ending a call, ask, "Is there anything that might hold you back from completing the purchase today?"

  • Isolate Objections: Address any concerns on the spot to avoid follow-up hassles.

Have you faced similar challenges with prospects ghosting after a verbal commitment? Share your experiences and strategies in the comments below!

About “Ask a CRO”

“Ask a CRO” is our weekly YouTube show for sales leaders and founders where we share what’s working right now to sell more stuff. It’s hosted by Michelle Terpstra, founder and Editor-in-Chief of Sunday Sales Delight, who is also the Chief Revenue Officer at a fast-growing 7-figure consulting company.

New episodes of “Ask a CRO” are published every Saturday. So you don’t miss our next episode, subscribe to our newsletter.


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